Strata website by LIVING.IO

:Wiki Help:Contact Us Advanced

Contact Us pages can be customized using the following steps:

  1. Create a new media wiki page - call it anything you want, for example "Contact Us".
  2. At the beginning of your new page put whatever text you want using any wiki markup you desire. In the example below, we've included some text.
  3. Paste the example below into your new media wiki page.
  4. Add, change or remove any of the options you'd to provide to your customers, as well as change what text appears on the Send button.
  5. Update the Admin->Contact page with the name of your new media wiki page name ("Contact Us" in example above).

Adding/removing options ( top )

To add or remove options, simply add or delete the source code line.

For example:

gives you:

I would like to know about something

If you simply copy and paste this line, and edit the value and text for the new line you added, you've created a new option for customers.

gives you:

I would like to know about something
I would like to know about something NEW!

Source code ( top )

Paste this into your new media wiki page.

The below source code is standard HTML - if you need design assistance visit LIVING Design Services New window.

gives you:

Please contact me regarding:

Properties for Sale
Owner Enquiry


Additional message (optional):